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A+ Assets Explorer

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

A+ Assets Explorer is aim to deal with the pain above and more others. it has tools to manage assets and improve workflow, is ready for large project.


  • Searching and Sorting: multiple asset properties searching is available
  • Renaming: Allow rename multiple assets at one click and with live new name preview before renaming.
  • Find unused assets: make your project clean, and can backup assets before deleting
  • Find assets references: Find assets references in Project and Hierarchy
  • Blacklist: hide the assets which you don’t want show in Assets Explorer
  • Data headers customization: Show only the properties you are interested in
  • Assets statistics: Know the number of an asset category easily
  • Tags and Layers Usage: Show assets using a specific tag or layer
  • Data Exporter: Export data to CSV file
  • Color theme: Classic, Personal and Pro theme
  • Workflow improvement tools: Open Unity special folder, build manager and prefab tool

Download A+ Assets Explorer v2.1.3 Latest Version

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