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Any doors system

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

This is a solid all-in-one system that includes everything you need for any type of gaming. You can create any door system that you can imagine. Doors can be locked, and to unlock them, you are able to use keycards or pinpads

You can open and close doors by setting position and rotation values (editor extension included) or using animations, you can unlock doors with keycards, pinpads, buttons, triggers, etc. All this is made with editor extensions, so you will get user-friendly component interfaces.

Different door interaction types: proximity, manual by “use” key, raycast by “use” key; this works for all game genres, 3rd person, 1st person, and so on. Doors can react to specified tags, so not only the player can open them, and doors can react differently depending on who they are interacting with. Proximity doors track who and how many targets are in the vicinity of the trigger. The system allows you to dynamically display text in any kind of situation. Every dynamic text supports localization. The total save and load system allows you to save and load the statuses and states of all doors, keycards, and pinpads per scene. To create example doors, there is a door creation tool included. All you had to do was replace the example flaps with your own and configure to your specifications. Or create your own door from scratch with your 3D models.


  • Flexible and modular system, using UnityEvents for any situations
  • Easy to configure
  • Door creation tool for creating simple door types
  • Depending on the interaction side, doors can open or close. direct or reverse
  • Any type of door’s interactions: proximity auto, proximity manual, ray
  • Ray interaction system for buttons, triggers etc. (events supported)
  • Doors can be locked and unlocked
  • Keycards and pinpad systems to unlock doors are included!
  • Pins can be randomized or presetted
  • Lerp or Animation flaps moving types
  • Text display system (for dynamic text display)
  • System for text localization in any number of languages!
  • The Complete Save and Load System!
  • Any count of door’s flaps

Download Any doors system v1.0

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