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Arduino Bluetooth Plugin

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

This plugin will help you connect your unity game/app to your arduino robot/project, to control it, transfer data between the arduino and bluetooth enabled MacOS/iOS/Android/Windows PC/UWP.


This plugin allows you to:

  • Connect iOS device to Arduino/Raspberry Pi via BLE
  • Connect MacOS PC/Laptop to Arduino/RPi via BLE and Bluetooth Classic
  • Connect Android to Arduino/RPI via BLE and Bluetooth Classic
  • Connect Windows PC to Arduino/RPI via Bluetooth Classic
  • Connect Windows PC to Arduino/RPI via USB Cable
  • This plugin has been tested with HC-05/06, ESP32 modules for bluetooth classic
  • and HC-08 for BLE
  • A tutorial is also provided in the plugin to help you use the code.
  • This plugin does not require Unity Plus

Download Arduino Bluetooth Plugin v5.2.1 Latest Version

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