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Asset Cleaner PRO – Clean | Find References

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions. 


Have you ever wished that your project was always clean and well organized? Safely removing unused files and figuring out where others are being utilized Then you can rely on the powerful yet seamless helper, Asset Cleaner PRO!


 Feature 1 – Project Cleaner:

• Non-distracting UI to let you focus on your primary needs. Best use Dockable
• Enhanced Project View:
• Unused files marked RED
• Unused assets & scenes counters on folders
• Unused assets & scenes size on both folders and files
• Support for Editor Dark skin
• Actions for unused files:
• Clean single asset/scene
• Clean assets/scenes in certain folders
• Clean assets/scenes via multiselect, all combinations are supported
• Customizable:
• Ignored folders support
• Ignore option for Materials & ScriptableObjects
• Customize background colour for unused files (default one is red)

Feature 2 – Find References:

• Blazing fast. Changes in usages are instantly displayed
• Find references, usages, relationships easily in Project or Scene:
• Nested Prefabs support
• All asset types of usages support incl.
• Animator Controller states
• Explore usages & references:
• Lock & Back/Forward features available
• Back/Forward hotkeys Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y, mouse hotkeys support

Download Asset Cleaner PRO – Clean Find References v1.26 Latest Version

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