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BLOCKS: Atmosphere Control Module for COZY 2

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Give your COZY: Block Weather System new levels of control and ease of use! With the new custom module, you can easily rate colors, configure daily histories, and manage daily colors.


  • Set allcolors in aprofile to quickly evaluate aesthetics.
  • Take full control of the game’s atmosphere with the NEW Blocks biome system! Seamless transition to custom Vibe setups in custom volumes.
  • Use seven block periods to create complex gradients with just a few clicks.
  • Quickly switch between profiles with the new module.
  • Let the COZY system choose a random profile from a list based on a set of modifiers. Generate rare weather phenomena and break your time-of-day system!
  • Help your players spot climate change using color block ratings.modifies the probability of a block being rebuilt based on the current season, temperature, or precipitation.
  • Having trouble balancing allthe parameters but want to adjust them? Use the simplecolor block mode to consolidate the 42 parameters into eight easy-to-understand variables.
  • With the integrated COZY modular system, you can easily add or remove BLOCKS to the scene.
  • Replace your COZY system automatically and non-destructively.

Come prepared with out-of-the-box features:

  • Extensive form editor with integrated tools
  • An example of a 21-block profile
  • A master profile that contains all individual profiles for easy editing.
  • Demonstration scene showing an example of installing the COZY system with bricks

Download BLOCKS Atmosphere Control Module for COZY v1.2 Latest Version

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