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Connection Status

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Connection Status is our go-to solution for dealing with connectivity changes in our Apps. Create and manage Internet Status Targets and respond to their online, offline, or reconnecting status updates.

Connection status offers an easy-to-use online call management window. You can respond to changes at the address given. Added a default target to check if you are online or offline.You can add custom destinations.


  • The resource also provides additional tools for testing UI responsiveness to these changes. You can change the current state and trigger the changes yourself to see how your UI responds.
  • This resource is part of the PRO development suite. Get 10 assets, including tools, extensions, and a pre-built architecture, to simplify debugging and development and save over 50%.
  • The InternetStatusManager class, which provides access to Internet status targets,
  • The edit window has been enhanced with the following functions: create/delete targets; edit targets in edit mode; and edit targets in game mode, allowing you to override the current status to test UI responsiveness.
  • Simplified API: Quickly configure any class to listen to users’ internet status and process the responses accordingly.
  • Optionally, you can check the internet status of multiple targets.
  • A ping to Google is included by default to closely monitor whether a user can access the internet while playing.
  • Tested and optimized for mobile (iOS and Android) and web platforms (WebGL).

Download Connection Status v3.2.1 Latest Version

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