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Console Enhanced Pro

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Console Enhanced Pro is a vastly improved editor console for Unity.


  • Callstack Navigation: Open any line of the callstack with a double click.
  • Custom Tabs and Categories: Organise logs in custom categories that sit alongside Error, Warning, and Log tabs. Tabs are matched using keywords of your choosing. Simply toggle tabs to control spam!
  • Wrapper Function Support: Specify your project’s wrapper functions so that when clicking on a log entry, it takes you to your function instead of Debug. Log.
  • DLL Support: ConsoleE opens source files built from DLLs. Files are automatically opened in the original VS solution that built the DLL (on Windows).
  • Extendable: Write high-level C# extensions to edit right-click menus, intercept selection events, or override how opened files are opened. You can even override behaviour for how entries are categorised into tabs.
  • Text Search Filter: Quickly search through all logs using the search filter.
  • Context-Colored Callstacks: Beautifully colored callstacks for improved readability.
  • Multiselect: Easily copy multiple log entries to the clipboard.
  • Display Options: Customize font size, color, background colors, and icons; or keep the same look and feel as the regular console.
  • Scroll Effect: Enable smooth-scroll animation to make it clear when new log entries are added.
  • Color Flash Effect: Enable to make sure you don’t miss important messages.
  • Optional Columns: Toggle extra columns to show things like the object name and Time.time for when Debug.Log is called.
  • Playmode Compiler Options: Gracefully avoid Unity’s edit-and-continue feature.
  • Feels Native: Designed to look and feel like a console Unity could have made.
  • Optimized: Fluid rendering, handles tens of thousands of entries. Other console replacements can cause noticeable delays in both compile and launch times, not Console Enhanced!

Download Console Enhanced Pro v3.3.4

Download Console Enhanced Pro v3.3.5 Latest Version

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