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GeNa Pro – Terrains Villages Roads Rivers

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

GeNa Pro is a sophisticated level design system that enables you to rapidly and intuitively create beautiful levels for your game or simulation.


  • Single, global, paint, spline & map based spawn modes.
  • Extensible spawner, decorator and spline and city building systems.
  • Spawns textures, grasses, trees, prefabs, structures, towns, rivers, roads.
  • Automated map generation system finds optimal spaces for villages, spawns them, and then connects them with roads.
  • Automated road generation system grade based path finding.
  • Automated river generation system with flow based path finding.
  • Works on terrains and meshes across multiple terrain tiles.
  • Automated prefab optimization system.
  • Automated light probe placement.
  • Edit and runtime spawning modes.
  • In editor physics based spawning.
  • API controllable.

GeNa Pro consists of the following major components:

  • GeNa Spawners: Spawn assets into scenes.
  • GeNa Map Builder: Procedurally create and connects towns.
  • GeNa Decorators: Decorate assets with logic that influences spawning.
  • GeNa Splines: Defines paths for Spawners & Spline Extensions.
  • GeNa Rivers: A specialized spline extension for river networks.
  • GeNa Roads: A specialized spline extension for road networks.

Key Benefits:

  • Easy to use.
  • Nicer environments.
  • Massive time savings.
  • Replicable quality through automation.
  • Better frame rates (dependent on situation).
  • Better lighting.
  • Fun!

Download GeNa Pro – Terrains Villages Roads Rivers v3.4.2

Download GeNa Pro – Terrains Villages Roads Rivers v3.5.7 Latest Version

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