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Highlight Plus 2D

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Highlight Plus 2D adds outline, glow, see-through, overlay, shadow, and zoom effects to any sprite in 2D or 3D scenes.

Visual Features:

  • Glow color, width, alpha, animation speed, dithering, multi-colored
  • Outline color, alpha, and width.
  • Overlay color, alpha, and animation speed
  • See-Through effect intensity, tint color, and alpha
  • Hit/Flash effect with custom color, intensity, and fade-out duration.
  • Zoom on hover.
  • 2D and 3D shadows

Other features:

  • Works with individual and atlas-based sprites with a SpriteRenderer component.
  • Works with quad gameobjects (a quad with a texture).
  • Works with Spine-based animated mesh renderers.
  • Supports animations (SpriteSkin), transforms, and custom pivots.
  • Preview effect in the editor (no need to go into play mode).
  • Highlight an individual or a group of sprites as a single object.
  • Can affect selective objects or run in automatic mode with the layer option.
  • Event system to fine-control automatic mode.
  • Safe: does not change your sprite shader or material.
  • Performant: This is not a full-screen image effect.
  • The Demo includes 225 free sprites.


  • UI elements are not yet supported.
  • Effects are rendered in Sorting Layer 0 (sprites rendered into Sorting Layer > 0 need to be changed to use a lower sorting layer).
  • This version only works with sprites, quad-based sprites, and spine renderers.

Download Highlight Plus 2D v3.5.2 Latest Version

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