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Hover Vehicle System

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

The hover vehicle system is designed to work on any Game object. It works for both hoverbikes and cars. easy-to-understand, simple, and expandable scripts.


  • Very easy to use. Takes just 1 min to set up.
  • Efficient and works both on mobile and in VR.
  • Works for both hover bikes and hover cars.
  • Not just a hover system, you can make your vehicles fly as well.
  • Auto-detection of ground when close to ground
  • Rigid body is used so the vehicle reacts according to other physics collisions and forces.

Download Hover Vehicle System v1.0 Latest Version

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