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Kinematic 2D

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Kinematic 2D is a fully cinematic (non-physics-based) 2D character controller solution that allows you to control the movement of 2D characters in collisions.


  • Provides the functionality of the standard Unity character controller and much more (handling stairs and inclines, low floor height, floor clamp, etc.).
  • It was designedfor two-dimensional (2D) motion only.
  • The collision detection method works with both 2D and 3D colliders.
  • The character’s body shape is a box (instead of a capsule; this is ideal for platformers).
  • Fixed time step (using FixedUpdate).
  • Smooth interpolated motion.
  • Very good performance (tested on a computer with 500 interpolated 2D motion characters, i.e., >300 frames per second without vsync).

Download Kinematic 2D v2.4.1 Latest Version

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