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Overview :

KINERACTIVE is a collection of components that enable you to create complex Inverse Kinematic (IK) interactions using simple drag-and-drop methods. No programming or animations are required to set up high-quality hand-and-foot interactions with the environment. Everything is done through the Unity Inspector and Hierarchy panels, allowing game designers, level designers, developers, and artists to create immersive interactions with speed and ease. You can now give your game that expensive AAA detail without paying the AAA price or investing the time.


Create “VR-like” hands for your first-person, third-person, or 2.5-dimensional game: Reach out and click buttons in a cockpit or change gears in a car. Using no additional animations, pick up lanterns from the environment, strike enemies in specific locations to make the impact really connect, or aim your superhero’s palm-based energy beam directly at enemies. Rotate door handles, press actual digits on a keypad, or hold onto walls as you peek around corners. Make hands move in time with gun recoil, and much more!

For VR platforms without hand motion tracking controls: use the KINERACTIVE framework to simulate the motion-tracked hand experience. Look at or aim at objects you want to grab, hold, press, hit, or touch.

Turn complex controls into intuitive, context-based environmental interactions for your players: Your spaceship might have over 100 functions; instead of mapping them out in “difficult to remember” key mappings across the keyboard, you can use KINERACTIVE to create context-based switches, dials, and buttons. The player can simply look at them and use one or two buttons to control the entire ship, with the avatar’s hands reaching out to press each button, flick each switch, and turn each dial. This not only makes the game easier and more intuitive to play, but it also makes a complex PC game playable on game consoles and mobile VR, because extensive amounts of controls and functions can now work intuitively with a limited set of buttons on a game controller.

IK Platform Neutral: Use any IK solution you want. Unity has an excellent built-in IK solution, but you are welcome to write your own or use any of the ones available on the Unity Asset Store, now or in the future. Swapping IK solutions can be done at any stage of the project, with no additional changes required to the interactions you’ve already set up.

C# source code is provided: allowing you to extend the current components.

Download KINERACTIVE v1.11 Latest Version

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