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Mantis LOD Editor – Professional Edition

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Mantis LOD Editor Pro is a complete mesh simplification solution (including an editor extension, a batch generator, a command-line utility, a standalone app, and a progressive mesh runtime).


  • You can simplify your meshes and make LOD from within Unity’s editor, from the standalone app, or from the command-line tool.
  • The toolset can generate high-quality LOD with an extremely low triangle count, which is very important for mobile games.
  • This product can run on Windows x86_64 and macOS.
  • This product contains advanced progressive mesh technology for Unity.
  • Generated progressive meshes support all platforms, make once, run anywhere.
  • Provide source code, you can modify the source code to fit your need.
  • Generate LOD for static meshes and skinned meshes.
  • Protect UV boundaries and material boundaries automatically.
  • Protect open boundaries or smartly merge some smooth parts of open boundaries.
  • Preserve all blend shapes.
  • Super fast, it can simplify 50,000 triangles per second.
  • Preview final effect in real time.
  • You can simplify huge 3d models with the standalone app.
  • You can write shell script to simplify hundreds of 3d models with the command-line utility in batch.
  • Advanced progressive mesh technology.
  • Generate progressive meshes for hundreds of 3d models in batch.
  • Supports vertex color map(Red channel) as detail map, control which area should have more details accurately.
  • The progressive mesh runtime supports XR.

Download Mantis LOD Editor – Professional Edition v8.1 Latest Version

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