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This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

MIS-LockOn is a custom add-on for Invector that runs based on Middleware For Invector Template (MIS).


  • Provides All-In-One Setup
  • Provides Auto LockOn (Always the current target is set to LockOn target)
  • Easy Indicator setup and tunning
  • Supports Emerald AI v3.2.0+
  • Provides a Demo scene
  • Does not modify Invector core
  • All MIS Packages runs on a feature-based basis

High performance:

  • All target game objects are automatically registered and managed on Start().
  • It makes not to call APIs to search for colliders or look up game objects every frame
  • Uses only one Screen Space – Overay Canvas for all indicators
  • Provides better optimization feature through targeting frequency for low end devices

Target Indicators:

  • Supports types: Enemy / Object (Buff, Amor and Gate, etc.)
  • OnSelected: Currently selected target
  • OnLocked: Currently selected and locked target
  • OnScreen: The target in on screen
  • OffScre

Finding targets options:

  • By Distance / Angle / Obstacle detection
  • Toggle Targeting: Left CTRL + Mouse 2


  • Set / Change: Mouse 2 button (Default)
  • Release: When the LockOn target is out of the screen (Mandatory)

Download MIS-LockOn v1.2.5 Latest Version

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