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MudBun: Volumetric VFX & Modeling

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

MudBun is a real-time volumetric VFX mesh tool. It procedurally generates meshes from “brushes” that define shapes, distortion, and surface modification. MudBun can also be used for quick volumetric modeling and provides a convenient auto-rigging feature.


  • Volumetric mesh generation and modeling
  • Built-in VFX & primitive brushes.
  • Distortion & modifier brushes.
  • User-defined custom brushes.
  • Brush groups.
  • Render options include smooth mesh, flat mesh, circle splats, and quad splats.
  • Mesh options include marching cubes, dual-quads, surface nets, and dual contouring.
  • voxel density that changes dynamically.
  • Creation of mesh colliders
  • Auto-rigging and mesh locking
  • Mesh auto-smoothing.
  • Smooth corners for dual contouring.
  • Supported render pipelines include built-in RP, URP, HDRP, and custom RP.
  • Custom Amplify Shader Editor nodes.
  • Borderless voxel space.
  • GPU memory budgeting & auto adjustment.


  • Unity 2019.3 or newer.
  • Platforms with graphics APIs that support compute shaders, including Direct3D 11/12, Metal, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.3+, and modern consoles.
  • Noise features depend on inline sampler states, which are only officially supported by Unity for Direct3D 11/12, Metal, and modern consoles. Some Vulcan devices seem to run the noise features just fine, although Vulcan is not listed by Unity.
  • It is highly recommended to target platforms with dedicated GPUs, as MudBun uses compute shaders. It is not recommended to target platforms with integrated GPUs, unless MudBun is only used at edit-time to build meshes to be exported or locked at run-time.
  • If you are not sure how MudBun runs on your targeted platforms, please try out the trial version first.


  • Mobile devices generally have weaker hardware than desktops and might not be suitable to run MudBun. It’s best to try out the trial version on your targeted devices first.
  • Due to some issues in the Metal shader compiler, the “Count As Bone” flag on solid brushes is not respected, and all brushes are counted as bones during auto-rigging on Metal platforms.
  • Because of Unity’s different implementation regarding GPU fences in Metal, MudBun needs to circumvent certain issues by allocating more GPU memory on Metal platforms when more than one renderer is present.
  • Scaling brushes might not work as users would normally expect.

Download MudBun: Volumetric VFX & Modeling v1.4.37

Download MudBun: Volumetric VFX & Modeling v1.4.40 Latest Version

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