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NatDevice – Media Device API

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

NatDevice is a cross-platform media device API for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows. NatDevice provides powerful abstractions for using hardware cameras and microphones through a concise.


  • High Resolution Camera Preview. NatDevice exposes device cameras that allow for full HD previews and higher where supported.
  • Low Latency Microphone Recording. NatDevice exposes microphones that stream audio data to your code on a dedicated audio thread.
  • Camera Preview Data. NatDevice cameras provide the camera preview as a texture, but also provide the preview data for running image algorithms and other tasks.
  • High Resolution Photo Capture. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras allow for high-res photo capture with flash.
  • Camera Focus. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras support setting the focus point and focus lock (disabling autofocus).
  • Camera Exposure. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras support setting the exposure point, exposure bias, and exposure lock (disabling autoexposure).
  • Camera Zoom. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras support optical zoom.
  • Camera White Balance Lock. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras can lock the white balance if the device supports it.
  • Microphone Format Control. NatDevice microphones can record in mono or stereo and at different sample rates.
  • Torch Control. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras support torch control, even when camera preview is not running.
  • OpenCV Support. NatDevice has seamless integration with OpenCVForUnity. Check out the official example.
  • NatCorder Support. NatDevice tightly integrates with our video recording API NatCorder, which supports recording MP4 videos, animated GIF images, WAV audio files, and so on.

Download NatDevice – Media Device API v1.2.0 Latest Version

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