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Orbital Aiming System

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

The Orbital Aiming System is a universal mecanim-based aiming and recoil animation system.


  • Compatible with most Mecanim figures.
  • Compatible with most standard character controllers, regardless of user or AI controls.
  • 360 degree panoramic windows around the Y axis
  • 157.5 degree X-axis viewing window (90° up, 67.5° down)
  • Full control over the target window is available for each character
  • Animation arrangements for the transition between target and non-target states
  • Adjustable target speed.

Four Methods of targeting:

  • Raycast from an object (usually camera)
  • Mouse to world position
  • Transform based with a constant, world and local position, offset
  • Transform based with target-relative, world and local position, offsets.

Dynamic recoil system for individual weapons, featuring:

  • Adjustable kick intensity
  • Adjustable recoil in all four directions (up, down, left, right)
  • Adjustable speed and recovery time
  • Additive recoil across several shots
  • Adjustable soft and hard caps for additive recoil

Download Orbital Aiming System v1.0 Latest Version

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