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Road GPS Navigator

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Need to navigate players on game roads, build routes, or find the nearest path? Road GPS Navigator can help you implement this functionality without coding. Works fine with Unity 2017–2022b.


  • No coding is needed to use it.
  • It’s Easy to add your level map and setup all settings.
  • Easy to customize settings and visual design.
  • Detailed guide about all asset components

Work modes:

  • full map. All maps of your level will be shown on screen, along with the player’s actual position, route to the current target, and map icons for objects that you want to show on the map. Zoom and moving of the map are available.
  • Navigator. A small window in the corner of the screen imitates a real navigator, following the player, showing the nearest roads to the player and the route to move.


  • Asset builds the shortest route from A to B point, where A is the player’s (or car’s) position and B is the final destination.
  • It Can be set up on any map; you just need to complete several steps to create your level map and add it to Navigator.
  • Supports different road rules: one- and two-side roads, road circles, crossroads, etc.


  • Player rotation and position are always shown on the map.
  • Destination position can also be shown as a map icon.
  • You can setup objects on your level to be shown on the map; just drag components to objects and select an icon.

Work features:

  • Works on Unity UI.
  • Supports any level size and any count of roads and crossroads.
  • The Search for the shortest route by default runs in a separate process thread, so huge levels will not cause lags.

Visual editor:

  • Includes a visual editor extension to see actual road connections and directions.
  • Includes an editor window and simplifies work with map settings.

Download Road GPS Navigator v1.0 Latest Version

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