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RPG Editor: ORK Framework 3

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Flexible and powerful framework to build your own RPG of any kind, without writing a single line of code.

ORK Framework 3 comes with everything you need to create your RPG, any way you want. 4 customizable battle systems (and battle grids), extremely flexible status system, formula editor, inventory system, factions, quests, crafting, dialogues and much, much more


  • Status effects
  • Modifiers
  • Combatants
  • Classes
  • Status bonuses
  • Status conditions
  • The highly flexible status system can be set up as simple or complex as you need it for your game.
  • Status values are used to set up your usual health, MP, experience, attack, strength and any other number-based value representing a status. 
  • Abilities define your attacks and skills – physical, magical, melee, ranged or passive. Animate and extend your abilities using schematics, e.g. to capture enemies.

Battle Systems:

ORK 3 includes 4 different battle systems:

  • Turn Based
  • Active Time
  • Real Time
  • Phase

Inventory System:

The inventory system contains everything you need. Supports optional inventory slots, space limits, stack limits and many more features.

  • multiple currencies
  • items
  • equipment
  • equipable AI
  • crafting

Player/Camera Controls

  • Includes multiple built-in player and camera controls, e.g. button or mouse movement, first person or top down camera.
  • You can also use any custom controls with ORK Framework.


  • Set up your systems and create your data (items, abilities, etc.) in the powerful editor. The editor comes with many quality-of-life features, e.g. searchable popups, (optional) backups or export/import of language data.

UI System

  • The modular UI system can be switched out or extended based on your needs.
  • Create dialogues, menus, battle menus, shops and different kinds of HUDs.


  • Use your status values and other things (e.g. variables, entries from CSV files and more) in node-based formulas to calculate values, e.g. damage calculation, hit/critical chances or the turn order in turn based battles.


  • ORK 3 uses Makinom’s schematic system to animate battles (battle start/end transitions, using individual abilities, items, etc.), .
  • Schematics are reusable, node-based blueprints of what you want to do. They work similar to flow charts, each node performs a task and decides the next node that’ll be executed – e.g. playing an attack animation, spawning a prefab or moving the camera or a game object.

Makinom 2 Pro included:

  • ORK 3 is built upon Makinom 2’s powerful editor and features.
  • Makinom 2 Pro is included in your ORK 3 package!

Full Source Code Included:

  • Includes the full source code for ORK 3 and Makinom 2.

Supported Platforms:

  • Officially supports building for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.
  • Supports 2D and 3D games.

Download RPG Editor ORK Framework 3 v3.14.0

Download RPG Editor ORK Framework 3 v3.15.2 Latest Version

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