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RTS Starter Kit

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

This Starter Kit provides a quick and easy way to build an RTS with a Space setting. RTS Starter Kit is all, what you needed to create your own RTS game! It contains units ordering, movement and attack, building mode, minimap, and many, many other things. 


  • Easy to start using without coding.
  • Easy to extend code and implement new things, if you need it.
  • Parameters of game objects is easy to edit: most of data is separated from logics scripts.
  • Component style: all of code is splitted to small and understandable components, and you easily can add your own.
  • Guide about all asset components.
  • Asset code contains a lot of events, which you can connect your code to. It simplifies development of new features very well.
  • Classic military RTS gameplay like C&C and other games in this style. Buildings, units, resources, harvesters, etc.
  • Supports up to 16 players on map and you can increase this value if you want.
  • Building mode allows player to place buildings on map.
  • Grid mode for building system.
  • Buildings rotation for building system.
  • Advanced camera controller – camera movement zoom, rotation.
  • Full units controls: selection, multi-selection, ordering.
  • Units pathfinding, based on NavMesh.
  • Units have attack, movement, health and other modules.
  • Buildings have a production module, which allow to build units and other buildings.
  • Units support sounds and visual effects settings.
  • Supported air units like helicopters and any other variations you want.
  • Several attack types like Land, Air, Air and Land.
  • selection of same type on screen by double click on unit.
  • Minimap, which show units positions, camera position (and allows to move camera), and terrain.
  • Building system interface – buildings and units icons, count of ordered units and building progress.
  • Selected units information, list of units for multi-selection.
  • Healthbars above selected units.
  • Advanced gizmos for different units parameters like attack radius, etc.
    – Help hints and tooltips in Inspector for almost all components and variables.
  • Extended Inspector for many components.
  • Customizable gameplay settings, stored in one asset and separated to partitions.
  • Unit editor, Production Categories editor and Game Settings windows will speed
  • Allows add and remove players from game.
  • Player can change players colors, setup teams, select map.
  • Player can add AI enemies in lobby.

Download RTS Starter Kit v1.6.6 Latest Version

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