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Runtime Transform Handles

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Runtime Transform Handles are the runtime 3D controls that are used to manipulate items in the scene. There are three built-in transform tools to position, rotate, and scale objects via the transform component.

Supplementary controls such as scene gizmos, selection gizmos, and grids allow users to change viewing angle and projection mode, identify selected objects, and orient themselves in scene space. Another important component is the selection component, the scene component, and the handles component, which allow you to select objects, navigate in a scene, and change the handle’s appearance.


  • Positon handle
  • Rotation handle
  • Scale handle
  • Grid
  • Box Selection
  • Selection gizmo
  • Align to Grid & Vertex snapping
  • Scene navigation
  • Global & Local coordinates
  • Undo & Redo
  • Touch support
  • Multi-camera support

Download Runtime Transform Handles v3.5.0 (Jan.29.2023)

Download Runtime Runtime Transform Handles v3.5.5

Download Runtime Runtime Transform Handles v3.5.7 Latest Version

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