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ScriptableObject Database

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it for free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product before purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Easily create a database for scriptable objects in only a few seconds. Organize your scriptable object data into database files for convenience.


  • No coding is required; just use the Database Type Creator to quickly and easily set up a database for any ScriptableObject type.
  • Use custom inspectors and property drawers? No problem, the data displayed uses Unity’s built-in inspector and automatically uses any custom inspectors and drawers you have set up for the data.

Object Database Editor Window Features:

  • Switch between different Database Types
  • Enable or disable different types when many different database types clutter your view.
  • Select, Create, and Delete Databases and ScriptableObjects
  • Create any subclass of a ScriptableObjects type with two button clicks.
  • Rearrange the order of assets in the list.
  • View and modify any serializable data the scriptable objects contain right in the editor window.
  • Support for all custom inspectors and property drawers by default
  • Drag and drop compatible Objects into the asset list for quickly adding an existing Object
  • Import external objects into the database as a Copy, or keep the data external and store a reference
  • Duplicate Objects and add them to the database

Database Type Creator Features:

  • Select where in the dependency chain to create a database. The database will then be able to hold and create all types that inherit from that base type, ignoring abstract types.
  • Name the database type for use in file and class naming. e.g. ‘ItemAssetDatabase’
  • Select locations for your Runtime, and Editor scripts that are created
  • Once new Database Type is created, the Asset Database Editor Window will pick it up immediately

Download ScriptableObject Database v1.5 Latest Version

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