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Soft Mask

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Soft Mask is a UI component that masks child elements. It functions similarly to the standard Unity UI Mask, but it also supports gradients and semi-transparency.


  • It’s simple to use: just drop it on the game object like Unity’s standard mask.
  • Image, raw image, sprite, and texture support.
  • Compatible with TextMesh Pro!
  • Supports inverted masks.
  • It can be easily supported in your shaders.
  • Fully real-time: create, destroy, enable, disable, move, rotate, and reorder a mask and UI elements at runtime.
  • The ability to limit input processing to only visible parts of the masked UI.
  • Adjustable mask sampling: use black-and-white images, images with transparency, or set the weight of each color channel manually.

Download Soft Mask v1.5 Latest Version

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