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Time Control and Pause Kit

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

The Time Control and Pause Kit is an easy-to-use script that allows you to add full time control and pause functionality to your projects.


  • Unity 3.5, Unity 4+, and Unity 5+
  • Time Group: Control the objects you want to
  • Time Global Control to pause everything.
  • Works with Mecanim and Legacy Animations.
  • Works with Shuriken and Legacy Particles.
  • Works with delta-time-coded Functions.
  • Pauses RigidBody and rigidbody2D Physics.
  • Full PlayMaker integration
  • 3rd Party Support for iTween
  • 3rd Party Support for HOTween
  • 3rd Party Support for the 2D Platform Controller
  • 3rd Party Support for the 2D Toolkit
  • Slows down and Speeds Up Audio too if required.
  • Does not use TimeScale to group pause.
  • Full sound effects can be turned on if required.
  • Fully event-driven for advanced custom actions.
  • Clean, short, and simple C# code.
  • No external DLLs or external resources
  • Full documentation is included.

Download Time Control and Pause Kit v2.3 Latest Version

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