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This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

TransformPro extends the default Unity Transform inspector, adding a number of essential tools for laying out scenes.


  • Local / World Space Standard numerical controls and all new tools can be used in either local or world space.
  • Multi-selection All controls and tools now fully support multi selection.
  • Snap Custom grid snapping system lets you snap positions and rotations to any angle, with easily modified grid size and offsets.
  • Clipboard Positions, rotations and scales can all be copied and pasted between objects. Now with point and click to set cursor position and multiple clipboard support!
  • Resets Buttons available to reset the entire transform, position, rotation or scale, either the whole component or a single axis.
  • Available at Runtime! All these features are available to you at runtime via a fully featured API.
  • Drop to Ground Quickly place objects on the floor or terrain using volume based grounding. With the new multi selection support, ground hundreds of objects with a single click!
  • Nudges Fold open the numeric controls to access sets of nudge buttons. Shift or right click to clone-and-nudge, making level building a snap! The clone tool now also retains prefab links.
  • Randomise Clutter You can quickly randomise rotations to assist with the placement of clutter objects.
  • Bounds Visualisation Toggle-able outlines help to visualise the space that objects are occupying within your levels. You can show combined Renderer and Collider bounds in either world or local space.
  • Scene Gadgets New system to provide on screen controls directly in the scene view. Helps keep the transform inspector clean and allows for tools to be used without any transform selected.

Download TransformPro v1.3.2 Latest Version

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