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User Feedback Management

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

User Feedback Management is an asset that allows the user to easily implement review pop-ups. It also allows the user to define feedback emails.


  • An extensive editor window that allows for configuration of the asset lets you set rules for the feedback manager and create different pop-ups for different scenarios.
  • Automatic native iOS and Android rating popups
  • Configure a “fallback popup.”
  • A complete feedback mailing integration can be configured from the editor. includes quick setup for mail templates.
  • Fully tested and optimised for mobile platforms.
  • A globally accessible class that provides a public API for starting during the runtime of your application.
  • Example assets that can be used to kickstart your project
  • A complete demo scene showcasing how to implement and use the asset

Download User Feedback Management v2.0.0 Latest Version

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