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Altos | Sky & Clouds

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Altos is a dynamic sky system with volumetric clouds and a configurable day-night system.


  • Volumetric Clouds: Altos lets you add volumetric clouds to scenes. These clouds are based on physical data, are beautifully rendered, and are highly customizable.
  • Dynamic Skybox: Altos offers a dynamic skybox that is fully integrated with the day-night system. The dynamic skybox feature gives you full control over the appearance of your skies, allowing you to configure the sun color, fog effects, and sky colors for any time of day.
  • Day-Night System: The day-night cycle feature lets you easily configure keyframes to control your sky’s appearance at any time of day, and you can trigger events using built-in callbacks.
  • Sky Object Rendering: Altos also includes a sky object system that allows you to add dynamic objects such as planets and moons to your scene and position them using an orbit viewer.
  • Star Rendering: Altos is capable of rendering tens of thousands of stars. Altos uses real-world star data to set the star’s color and brightness. Altos star rendering is based on physical phenomena, like how starlight flickers most at the horizon.
  • Highly Performant: Altos has been meticulously designed and optimized for performance, with a profiled performance of less than 2 ms using medium-quality settings.

Download Altos | Sky & Clouds v6.1.3 Latest Version

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