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Android Native Goodies

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Android Goodies is a vast collection of Android native methods that help you integrate Android features that are not available in Unity.




  • Show all alarms, set the alarm with all properties, or set timer
  • Open other apps by package, watch YouTube video in native app • Create a calendar event with all required params or open calendar app on the provided date
  • Dial or directly call a phone number, and check if the user has a phone app.
  • Open maps location, address, check if the user has a maps app • Open any system settings screen
  • Share directly to the most popular messaging apps 
  • Pick a photo from the gallery app, save the picture to the gallery
  • Take a photo with the camera and get the image
  • Video, sound, or arbitrary file picker. 
  • Contact picker 
  • Print images and HTML documents    

Local notifications  

  • Support for various styles 
  • Scheduling and scheduling repeating notifications
  • Cancelling by id or all at once • Manage notification channels and channel groups 
  • Pass custom data with the notification    

Native UI  

  • Showing native alert dialogs with buttons/radio buttons/checkboxes 
  • Showing date/time picker
  • Show spinner/horizontal progress bar
  • Showing toasts and immersive mode methods.
  • Set wallpapers from file/texture, set with crop, and reset wallpaper to default.  

Retrieving Info  

  • Various methods to get various info about devices and apps (android.os.Build, android.os.Build.Version) and other
  • Access to some android.os.Environment properties and methods
  • Internet connectivity and wifi-related methods
  • Telephony-related methods    


  • Get device battery charge level
  • Enable and disable camera flashlight (as a torch), check if the device has a flashlight
  • Listen to GPS location changes with all the detailed GPS data, check if GPS is enabled, and get the last known location 
  • Check if the device has a vibrator, vibrate or vibrate pattern, support for new vibration effects API Other
  • Method to save Unity Texture2D to Android gallery
  • Fingerprint authentication and fingerprint data encryption/decryption

Download Android Native Goodies PRO v1.3.0

Download Android Native Goodies v1.7.0

Download Android Native Goodies v1.8.5 Latest Version

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