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Archer Animations

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Humanoid 3D animations related to shooting arrows with a bow compatible for retargeting with other humanoid 3D characters.



  • Walk (8 direction, 2 m/s)
  • Run (8 direction, 4 m/s)
  • Sprint (8 m/s)
  • Jump


  • 2 Idles
  • Transitions between idles


  • 2 Combat idles
  • TakeDamage01
  • TakeDamage02
  • SheathBow01
  • UnsheathBow01
  • GetArrow01 (from quiver in back)
  • GetArrow02 (from quiver in side)
  • GetArrow03 (from quiver in other side)
  • Shot01 (frontal shot)
  • Shot01 – only upper body (for use with Avatar Masks)
  • Shot02 (shooting up)
  • Shot03 (shooting straight up)
  • Shot04 (shooting down)
  • SetTrap01 (in place)
  • SetTrap02 (throwing trap)
  • 2 Deaths

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