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Easy Character Movement 2

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

A feature-rich, highly customizable, general-purpose (not game-genre-tied) kinematic character controller


  • Kinematic character controller
  • Work Unity’s way; simply call its Move method, just like Unity’s Character Controller.
  • robust ground detection based on real surface normals.
  • Slope Limit Override lets you define walkable areas per-face or even per-object.
  • The configurable walkable area (perchOffset) lets you define the character’s “foot” radius.
  • capsule-based with a flat base for ground checks. This avoids the situation where characters slowly lower themselves off the side of a ledge.
  • Ground constraints prevent the character’s being launched off ramps.
  • Configurable Plane Constraint, so movement along the locked axis is not possible.
  • auto-stepping preserves the character’s momentum (e.g., its stride).
  • User-defined gravity and up vector for Mario Galaxy-like effects
  • Physics interactions.
  • Character vs. character interactions
  • first-class, transparent (without further steps needed by you) platform support, be it animated, scripted, or physics-based.
  • Collision and grounding events
  • Network friendly.  Full control over the update and simulation timestep
  • Flexible and customizable behaviour through callbacks
  • Fully configurable friction-based movement, including water buoyancy!
  • uses the Unity New Input System as its default input (but is not limited to).
  • Different movement modes and states exist, like walking, falling, unlimited variable height jumping, crouching, sprinting, flying, swimming, etc.
  • First person, third person, and agent “base” characters
  • Full control over how a character is affected (or not) by external forces, platform velocity, platform movement, and/or rotation, pushes other rigidbodies and/or characters.
  • character actions and events.
  • Extensive and configurable collision filtering
  • different template scenes (first person, third person, side scroller, top down) for faster startup.
  • 40+ examples include custom input actions, cinemachine integration, first person, third person, character events, bouncers, fly, swim, dash, slide, ladders, and much more!
  • Developed with extensibility in mind, it can be used as it is, extend one of its “base” characters, or simply take control of them using controllers such as other scripts or visual scripting (e.g., Bolt).
  • Physics Volumes, to easily handle water, falling zones, etc. with configurable properties
  • root motion support.
  • simple to use but complete API.
  • Easy integration into existing projects
  • Fully commented C# source code clear, readable, and easy to extend.
  • Garbage-collector friendly, no GC allocations

Download Easy Character Movement 2 v1.2.0

Download Easy Character Movement 2 v1.4.0

Download Easy Character Movement 2 v1.4.1 Latest Version

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