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Lively Chat Bubbles

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Lively Chat Bubbles is a complete system that allows you to create, configure, and execute dynamic communication throughout a scene. Very easy-to-use components and video tutorials show the depth and breadth of the system.


All of the hard work of placement, sizing, speed, audio, and visibility has been implemented and documented in this easy-to-use package.

Chat Bubble:

  • Rich text is fully supported.
  • Auto-rresize based on the message content.
  • Fully customize the style, minimum sizing, and wrapping width.
  • Configure each border to allow a dynamic extender to slide gracefully.

Chat Anchor:

  • Default the radius and angle from the anchored transform for the bubble to be displayed.
  • Adjust the placement dynamically towards the center of the screen by a given percentage.
  • Enforce the bubbles to stay completely on the screen when the anchored transform nears the screen bounds.

Chat Output:

  • Configure how fast text is output, along with all characters that should delay the output slightly.

Chat Mouthpiece:

  • Brings all of the above components together, allowing developers to call the simple Speak() method and pass a message.
  • Set the name, chat bubble prefab, chat anchor, chat output settings, and audio clip to use when speaking.
  • Mouthpieces can be configured differently, giving them a unique personality while speaking.

Download Lively Chat Bubbles v1.3 Latest Version

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