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Obi Fluid

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Obi is an advanced particle-based physics engine capable of simulating a wide range of deformable material behaviors. depends on the burst, jobs, collections, and mathematics packages.


  • Custom emitter shapes.
  • Two-way rigid body interaction
  • Modular solver: don’t waste performance; all parameters are exposed.
  • Adjustable solver iteration count
  • Per-particle properties: surface tension, vorticity, buoyancy, etc.
  • Hassle-free particle resolution adjustment using a single parameter
  • Fluids of varying resolutions can interact in the same simulation.
  • In multiphase simulations, it allows for high density ratios.
  • Box, sphere, capsule, mesh, character, and terrain colliders are all supported.
  • Automatic camera culling: non-visible fluids do not update their simulation.

Download Obi Fluid v3.4

Download Obi Fluid v6.5.4 Latest Version

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