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RealToon (An Anime/Toon Shader)

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

An AAA/Advanced Anime/Toon Shader that will make your characters and objects look as real as possible. Other stylized looks are also possible. (For Games, Film/Animations & Illustrations/Arts)


  • Smooth Object Normal: Smooth object normal for better or clean shading.
  • FReflection: Use images/textures as reflection. Can also adjust the size and position.  This is not a matcap style reflection or cubemap.
  • Outline: Can change the Color and Width. With noise/distort outline for sketch style outline and dynamic. You can choose to use outline or without outline “for less drawcalls”.
  • Reduce Shadow: Reduce real-time shadow of an object – material without affecting other parts of an object.
  • Vertex color support for Outline, Self Shadow & Smooth Object Normal features.
  • The Included RealToon HDRP version supports all lights (Spot, Point, directional and arealights (rect & tube).
  • Includes effects/post-processing like sobel outline, screen space outline and more.
  • Fade Transparency with outline and transparent affects shadow.
  • Gloss (Texture) (Custom Gloss): Use images/textures as gloss. Can choose to follow light position & object rotation.
  • ShadowT (Texture): Gradient or Flat based shadow/shade.
  • Includes RealToon (Lite Version) shaders for mobile or lite type games.
  • Includes RealToon (Tessellation Version) shaders.
  • RealToon URP and HDRP are SRP Batcher compatible.
  • Lightmap Support (RealToon URP)
  • RealToon Refraction: Anime/cartoon style glass, ice, liquid, etc.
  • DOTS | Hybrid Renderer (URP and HDRP)
  • Linear Blend Skinning/Compute Deformation (Currently URP)
  • Rendering- Recursive Rendering is supported. (HDRP)
  • Unity Ambient Occlussion Support (HDRP and URP)
  • Unity Decal Support (URP 12 to Later)
  • Forward+ Support (URP 14 to Later)
  • APV/Adaptive Probe Volume (HDRP 14 to Later)
  • Self Shadow: Adjust size/threshold and hardness without using any texture map.
  • Normal Map: For more details or override object’s normal.
  •  Near Fade Dithering (URP and HDRP)

Check other Shaders:

Download RealToon (An Anime/Toon Shader) v5.0.8p7

Download RealToon (An Anime/Toon Shader) v5.0.8p8 Latest Version

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