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Smooth Scene Transition

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Simple, smooth transitions between scenes It only takes one line to execute: KetosGames.SceneTransition.SceneLoader.LoadScene(“SceneName”);


  • Asynchronous scene loading–but only one line to execute.
  • Smooth fade in and out between scenes with a loading screen in between.
  •  Easily change fade color and duration.
  • Option of using a fast loading UI or a full 3D loading scene.
  • Fully customizable loading screen.
  • Example loading bar.
  • Example scenes and scripts for button clicks and triggers.

Download Smooth Scene Transition v1.2.2 Latest Version

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