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Terrain Composer 2

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

TerrainComposer2 is a powerful node-based multi-terrain tile generator. TC2 uses the latest GPU technology to deliver instant, real-time results, making terrain creation faster and easier than ever. TC2’s folder level system and workflow is similar to Photoshop, giving you complete control and quick changes at any time during the workflow.


  • Contains many examples and presets.
  • Support for multiple ready-made terrain tiles; TC2 treats them as one terrain.GUI based on a line chart node Specially designed for ease of use, cleaning, overview, and scalability. It’s easy to learn for beginners and a breeze for experts and artists.
  • A folder-like layer system similar to Photoshop’s layer system
  • Advanced Masking: use unlimitedmasks per layer and layer group.
  • Uses the latest GPU technology to deliver real-time results.
  • No spectators are needed; just guess and see what might happen.
  • No more misaligned knots and cut threads connecting knots on screen.
  • Simply drag and drop the node where you want it, and it will snap into place.
  • A powerful workflow for creating a complete toposurface with elevation maps, symbol textures, color maps, vegetation, and object placement
  • Advanced presets Use Unity’s drag-and-drop factory system to save or load a preset, which can be a node, a layer, or an entire group of layers.
  • Biomes: unlimited freedom in the number of nodes, groups, and levels Each group or layer can be hidden, transformed, cloned, and saved or loaded by drag and drop.
  • This allows you to create properties in your country.Countries are fully scalable and extensible.
  • TC2 spawns in space. Regardless of how you place lands or how many land tiles you have, they always appear in the same position.
  • This allows you to expand or shrink your world at any time as you work without having to reposition or resize nodes.Export height maps, splat maps, color maps, and normal maps.
  • Automatic terrain adjustment based on manually placed objects How terrain and spawned objects are adjusted depends on how you define nodes with rules in TC2.
  • Contains a complete sound library including erosion sounds: Perlin, Billow, Multifractal, Cell Noise, IQ, Swiss, Jordan, and Random, withmany variations.
  • Multi-node rules such as height, angle, splat-map, collision, bump, noise, math shapes, frames, and 16-bit raw frames* Mathematical shapes: circle, gradient, rectangle, and constant.
  • Can be used at runtime and generates very quickly; requires DirectX11 or Metal.
  • Contains source code with pure C# code. Each node type and node group has its own GameObject with an attached script that can be easily modified at runtime.
  • Easy-to-use advanced stamp node, including high-resolution stamps* Image node to use images for inputs and masks
  • A physical collider-independent and pixel-perfect mesh collision detection system
  • Global seed and multilevel seed for procedural sounds to create random terrains
  • RTPv3 integration with automatic assignment of color maps and normal mapsThe nodes window uses elimination and can contain a large number of nodes. What is not on the screen will not be drawn.

Download Terrain Composer 2 v2.89 Latest Version

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