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Wet Stuff

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Overview :

Wet Stuff makes it simple to make any surface appear wet by simply placing decals within the scene; surfaces within will appear wet. Download Wet Stuff for free right now.

Decals can be animated using a timeline and configured with a powerful set of tools to simulate many effects such as water build-up, puddles drying out, slightly damp surfaces, and more—all without modifying any textures, materials, or shaders.


  • Instantly make any surface appear wet
  • Easy to use decal system
  • VR Support
  • Create wet surfaces at runtime
  • Automatically creates splashes from particles systems
  • A powerful configuration system allows you to create a variety of effects, such as: Rain splatters, Puddles growing and drying over time and Leaking Pipes.
  • Enviro Integration
  • Unistorm Integration

Download Wet Stuff v4.1.2 Latest Version

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